Tennis Elbow


Tennis elbow is also called lateral epicondylitis.  It refers to inflammation of the extensor origin of forearm muscles.  It is caused by chronic overuse of forearm muscles.

Since the condition was initially discovered on tennis player, it was named as tennis elbow.  However, in fact, majority of cases were not found on tennis player.  Tennis elbow is commonly seen on housewife, because domestic work always involves wrist extension and contraction of forearm muscles.  Long term use of computer or mobile phone increases the risk of tennis elbow.

Patient with tennis elbow always complain of lateral elbow pain and swelling.  Pain is alleviated by movement of forearm, wrist or hand.  Resting pain may occur in severe cases.
Conservative treatment includes stretching exercise, anti-inflammatory medication, tennis elbow band/ splint, physiotherapy, ultrasound or shockwave therapy.  Injection of platelet rich plasma (PRP) can promote tissue repair by presence of growth factors.
* Please consult doctors for further details.

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