


Gout may occur when there is excessive uric acid in our body.  The excessive urate crystal can stay in our joints causing inflammation.  Males more than 40 years old, positive family history, obesity and menopause are the risk factors.

Purine taken in our daily diet could turns to uric acid after metabolism.  The metabolism can be affected by genetic factor.  Patients with high purine intake and excessive production of uric acid could aggravate gouty attack.

During acute attack, there is usually involvement of single joint (commonly the 1st metatarsophalangeal joint).  There would be redness, swelling, warmth and pain.  If the disease is not controlled well, there may be multiple joints involvement with frequent attack.  In severe case, there may be joint deformity.  In chronic gout, there may be renal function impairment or renal stone.

To prevent recurrence of gouty attack, patient should

(1) drink enough water to ease excretion of excessive uric acid

(2) avoid obesity

(3) comply with low purine diet, avoid following food

                -animal internal organ
                -seafood e.g. sardine fish, fish eggs, shellfish
                -excessive meat
                -excessive beans, mushroom, cauliflower, spinach, asparagus etc


* Please consult doctors for further details.

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